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Ten people were arrested today blockading the two gates at Crestwood. Seven were arrested at the north gate, blockading a truck, and charged with disorderly conduct and trespassing. Three were arrested at the south gate and charged with trespassing. All have been released and have a Nov. 5 court date.  Below is video of the arrests (at 9:32 Schuyler County Sheriffs arrive, at 10:28 Defenders cuffed and marched off)



Arrested October 29th, 2014
 colleenboland Colleen Boland, 58
Elmira, Chemung County“Well, somebody has to, our federal government and our state officials are not here to protect us. I am here to protect the drinking water, and just to get in the way of the infrastructure build out coming in and around New York State supporting the fracking industry.”
 charlesgeisler Charles Geisler, 69
Ithaca, Tompkins County“The lake I live closest to, which is Cayuga, is part of a region, the Finger Lakes, and our economy, our livelihood, and our ability to reproduce ourselves is tied up in these lakes. It is absolutely essential that they be healthy.”
 sandrasteingraber Sandra Steingraber, 55
Trumansburg, Tompkins County“My son was born on this lake just a few miles south of here, so this is his birthplace and this is where he attends camp every summer. So this lake was his first ecosystem, it’s his drinking water in the summer, so it’s his blood plasma and it’s part of him, it’s part of our family. So I’m here as a biologist and as a mother defending a source of drinking water, not only for my son but for 100,000 people.”
Dwain_Wilder Dwain Wilder, 75Rochester, Monroe County“We have a choice, do we want to leave this to our future generations [gestures to forest], or do we want to leave this [gestures to Crestwood facility]?”
 Nancy_Kasper Reverend Nancy Kasper, 56North Rose, Wayne County“This is sacred land. We’re completely connected to nature, and when we desecrate, when we damage, harm, cause illness to any part of nature or life, we are actually harming ourselves and the Creation of the Divine. I’m here because that’s all a part of me and everyone here, and I feel that deeply.”
Patrick_Judson Patrick Judson, 39Burdett, Schuyler County“I’m here because I believe that we shouldn’t take the risks that Crestwood is willing to do with our community and our fresh water and our fresh air. It’s unfortunate that this company from Houston is coming here and is willing to risk the health and safety with this historically dangerous process of storing natural gas in salt caverns. Particularly along a lake that is fresh water for 100,000 people, it’s just stupid.”
Katherine_Rossiter Katherine Rossiter, 62Sayre, Bradford County, PA“I’m here to defend Seneca Lake from Crestwood because I don’t want to see the water polluted, and I want my grandchildren and their children and children beyond to have a lake to come to. I’m moving here in two years from Sayre where I’ve see the ravages of fracking, and I want this lake to stay pure and whole. Our grandchildren will be coming to visit and swim in [these] lakes.”
 Patricia_Heckart  Patricia Heckart, 63Trumansburg, Tompkins County“I am willing to be arrested to stop the further destruction of our environment, health and economy.”
 Jeanne_Judson Jeanne Judson, 76
Burdett, Schuyler County
“My life started as an infant in Watkins Glen. I have spent 63 years in and around Seneca Lake, taught school in Watkins Glen, married in Odessa, and I’ve been a permanent resident since 2004. This is the place where I breathe, swim, watch the sunsets in clear skies, drink the wine, and eat the grapes. I do not want an industrial complex polluting the scenery, our lake, and our air or deterring tourists who come here to visit and some to stay.”
Roland_Micklem Roland Micklem, 86Geneva, Ontario County“Because I’m a die-hard environmentalist and I think that if we do not protect our environment, we are all history.”
Arrested November 3rd, 2014
LynGerry Lyn Gerry, 58
Watkins Glen, Schuyler County“Because no one else will. Our elected officials have let us down, so we have to take matters into our own hands. I love Seneca Lake, I love this area. I’m not from here originally, I’ve traveled 3,000 miles to come to this beautiful place by this beautiful lake to live, and I’ve come from a place that greed has already destroyed. So I know what a land being destroyed looks like. So now, my back is to the wall and I must defend what I love.”
 johndennis John Dennis
Lansing, Tompkins County“I’m worried about water quality, there are severe salinity problems already, and I’m almost certain those will get worse because we think the existing problems are caused by gas storage started in 1964.”
 elanshapiro Elan Shapiro, 67
Ithaca, Tompkins County“I’m here to defend Seneca Lake because the quality of life for all of us in the Finger Lakes is threated by gas infrastructure development. This is another step forward of the destruction of the whole planetary ecosystem, and if we can take a stand here … that’s a really strong message for people all over the world.”
 joannecipolladennis Joanne Cipolla-Dennis, 52
Dryden, Tompkins County“I am because water and food are much more important than methane gas. We need both of the first and we don’t need the second. It’s accelerating climate change beyond an acceptable level, and the all of the above energy policy cannot continue. I cannot continue to tolerate the intolerable, so I’m here to use my duty as an American citizen to put a stop this and to say that we can do these things with renewable energy.”
 mariahplumlee Mariah Plumlee, 35
Covert, Seneca County“I think it’s really important to do this, and if everybody did this then we wouldn’t have this problem. We moved here almost ten years ago because we knew it would be a wonderful place to raise a family.”
 Lindsay_Clark Lyndsay Clark, 53Springwater, Livingston County“I love the Finger Lakes and I’m a firm believer in alternative energy, I’ve lived off the grid for 25 years. I just feel committed to it, so I’m living it. If I’m not here, I just feel like I would not be doing my job.”
 Ruth_Young Ruth Young, 77Horseheads, Chemung County“We’re standing on what used to be a part of my legislative district in Schuyler County. I am embarrassed and saddened to see what is going on here, I’m sad to see that some of the people in this district are actually supporting this endeavor to store gas in a very unstable salt formation.”
 Stephanie_Redmond Stephanie Redmond, 38Trumansburg, Tompkins County“I have three children, my husband and I both grew up here. We really get a very intense view of how many people are networked in this area that rely on the good food, the good wine in this area not just their sustenance, but also their economy. To have that threatened, it really just throws our whole situation into a loop, not just for our family but for the whole area.”
 Bob_Henrie Bob Henrie, 88Wolcott, Wayne County“I’ve lived in the Finger Lakes for 85 years, and I am in love with every flower and tree in this place. I’m ready to lay down in front of a bulldozer, I really am.”
 Laura_Salamendra Laura Salamendra, 30
Geneva, Ontario County
“I drink the water. I live here. I love the lakes. I worry about my family, my nieces, and my future family.”
 Darlene_Bordwell Darlene Bordwell, 56
Penn Yan, Yates County
“I am very concerned about our national energy policy. I implore senators Schumer and Gillibrand, governor Cuomo and president Obama to get our energy policy off of fossil fuels and protect the Finger Lakes.”
 Jodi_Dean Jodi Dean, 52
Geneva, Ontario County
“I don’t want to see the Finger Lakes become a surge for extractive industry or a gas hub within the larger fracking infrastructure. I’ve seen what it’s done to Texas where I lived before moving to Geneva 20 years ago.”
 Paul_Passavant Paul Passavant, 48
Geneva, Ontario County
“I am standing here to defend our drinking water that comes out of the lake and is the lifeblood of our community.”
 Martha_Ferger Martha Ferger, 90
Dryden, Tompkins County
“I am here because of water and the climate. They are being threatened, and they are connected.”
Ken Fogarty, 75Guilford, Chenango County
Arrested November 17, 2014
 NG-1-Faith Meckley-c Faith Meckley, 19
Geneva, Ontario County
“I grew up playing in this lake. I feel I must be a good steward, and return back to this lake what it has given to me. So, I am here to defend this lake, which has given me drinking water for my whole life.”
 NG-2 Jimmy Betts-c Jimmy Betts, 30
Omaha, NE
“I am here, one of the Seneca Lake Defenders, because this affects every single one of us, whether we realize it or not. This is not just a local issue, but a global precedent as well.”
 NG-3-Jane Kendall-c Jane Kendell, 64
Manhattan, New York County
“I’m here because I have to be here. As a New Yorker I can’t stand for the idea that the drinking water supply for 100,000 people is being jeopardized. The salt caverns have been proven to be unsafe.”
 NG-4-Michael Clark-c Michael Clark, 29
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
“I was on the Great March for Climate Action. I walked here from Cleveland. I’m here today risking arrest, standing with the Defenders of the Finger Lake, because I feel a very close connection to injustice wherever it is happening, standing up and speaking out. Whatever affects my brothers and sisters affects me.”
 NG-5 John Abbe-c John Abbe, 49
Eugene, OR
“The past 8 months, I’ve been walking across the country to inspire climate action. It’s time to retire all fossil fuels, but especially unsafe storage conditions like the salt caverns here.”
 NG-6 Kelsey Erikson-c Kelsey Erickson, 23
Carlisle MA, Cornell University ’13
“I feel a real personal need to protect this lake. We should not be supporting any form of natural gas infrastructure which would destroy our land and water.”
 SG-1-Mark Scibillia-Carver-c Mark Scibillia-Carver, 62
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
I came here today willing to take a small risk to protect Seneca Lake, which is important to me, and for everyone living in this area, for drinking water, and for the micro-climate which supports the vineyards.”
 SG-2-Richard Koski-c Richard Koski, 71
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
“I’m here today to try to save our beautiful area. An area that I love. I would like to protect it, to save it from the gas storage facility. There are a lot of dangers associated with it.”
 SG-3 Jeff DeCastro-c Jeff DeCastro, 61
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
“The reason I’m here is because Crestwood is wanting to store methane and liquified propane in salt caverns under Seneca Lake. These are naturally leaky. This plan is crazy!”
 SG-4-Beth Peet-c Elizabeth Peet, 47
Hector NY, Schuyler County
“I am from Schuyler County, where our government is allowing this right now. I am terrified if we don’t do something to stop it here, it’s going to destroy the economy of Seneca Lake, which is highly dependent on wineries and tourism “
Arrested November 18, 2014
 peter_tringali-c Peter Tringali, 62
Ithaca, Tompkins County
“This is where we need to draw the line in the sand. I live near Taughannock Falls, and I know that what happens here in Seneca Lake is connected to the whole Finger Lakes region. I’m new to this area. It’s special. It’s ecologically unique. That’s why I chose it.”
 MichaelDineen-c Michael Dineen, 65
Ovid, Seneca County
“Crestwood Midstream is planning an expansion of methane storage, and it’s going to be stored in salt caverns that were shown by previous owners to be unsafe.Crestwood is also applying for an LPG storage permit, which would massively increase truck and train traffic. All those tankers will be full of explosive materials.
Crestwood says that it wants to become the gas storage and transportation hub for the entire Northeast, which will require a massive expansion of transportation infrastructure paid for by taxpayer dollars. It’s a direct threat to our ecology, water quality and economy. It’s just a bad idea all around.”
 CatherineMiddlesworth-c Catherine Middlesworth, 49
Syracuse, Onondaga County
“I feel very strongly about not fracking New York. I grew up next to the dirtiest lake in the entire world [Onondaga Lake] and I don’t see what good it’s going to do New York to have two of them. If they build this hub here it’s just an invitation for them to start fracking here. I don’t want to see any kind of fossil fuel energy being expanded upon when we’re doing nothing to expand green energy here, sustainable energy.”
 KatieBarrett-c Katie Barrett, 55
Syracuse, Onondaga County”I’m here mainly because someday I’d like to have grandchildren who can breathe the air and drink the water. Where we’re from, Syracuse, we live in the shadow of Onondaga Lake, that lake we can’t use for anything except just to look at it. It just breaks your heart to think about that happening to Seneca Lake. I really believe that this is the infrastructure for fracking, and they’re laying the groundwork, and soon they’ll be putting up wells everywhere and that just scares me to death.”
judyleaf-c Judy Leaf, 67
Ithaca, Tompkins County
“I can’t believe we have to protect one of the great bodies of fresh water on the continent. But we do. The local food system here took decades to develop.”
Roland_Micklem Roland Micklem, 86
Geneva, Ontario County“Because I’m a die-hard environmentalist and I think that if we do not protect our environment, we are all history.”
 Nancy_Kasper Reverend Nancy Kasper, 56
North Rose, Wayne County“This is sacred land. We’re completely connected to nature, and when we desecrate, when we damage, harm, cause illness to any part of nature or life, we are actually harming ourselves and the Creation of the Divine. I’m here because that’s all a part of me and everyone here, and I feel that deeply.”
 Laura_Salamendra Laura Salamendra, 30
Geneva, Ontario County
“I drink the water. I live here. I love the lakes. I worry about my family, my nieces, and my future family.”
Arrested November 19, 2014
 AsaRedmond-c Asa Redmond, 40
Ithaca, Tompkins County
Regional Access
“I’m here with my sister Anna Redmond and other fellow business owners to show our support to the opposition of the expansion of the gas storage facility here. We’re all dependent on the food and wine economy in this area, and this project will actually destroy that and we won’t stand for it.”
Anna Redmond, 30
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
Regional Access
“I live here and I’m raising my son here, and I feel it is very important to protect our water and the companies that need it.”
 WillOuweleen-c Will Ouweleen, “timeless”
Canesius, Livingston County
Eagle Crest and Oh-Neh-Da Vineyards“I’m here with the other people of the Finger Lakes today to defend Seneca Lake because we stand as one.I’m from Hemlock Lake. We are long-standing members of the wine industry. We’ve been here since 1872, and we were founded by a pioneering American who was an abolitionist and worked with Susan B. Anthony, and it’s in our heritage to stand up for what is right. The project that Crestwood is proposing is just a bad idea. It’s inconsistent with the values of the Finger Lakes.”
 StefanSenders-c Stefan Senders, 55
Hector, Schuyler County
Wide Awake Bakery
“I live here, my family lives here, my whole community lives here. We dedicate our time and our work and pretty much everything we do to keep that healthy.”
 PeggyAker-c Peggy Aker, 57
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
Macro Mamma
“I want to keep the area aspristine as possible, there’s a lot of unique businesses up in this area as well as large communities of people who have been here for generations. We live in a watershed and this watershed spills out further beyond the Seneca Lake region, so I’d like to keep it as clean as possible.”
Jessica Thorpe, 31
Hector, Schuyler County
Glen Mountain Market
“I grow here, my community grows here, my food grows here, and to grow we need clean water, and it is very important to us.”
Julia Uticone, 40
Cayutaville, Schuyler County
Swamp Road Baskets
“I’m here because I live here, I have three beautiful children that I’m raising in the area. None of us can live without water, and it’s important that it is kept as pristine as possible. I’m here because I feel like I don’t have a voice on paper or a vote anymore. I feel like I have to use my body.”
 johndennis John Dennis
Lansing, Tompkins County
“I’m worried about water quality, there are severe salinity problems already, and I’m almost certain those will get worse because we think the existing problems are caused by gas storage started in 1964.”
 charlesgeisler Charles Geisler, 69
Ithaca, Tompkins County
“The lake I live closest to, which is Cayuga, is part of a region, the Finger Lakes, and our economy, our livelihood, and our ability to reproduce ourselves is tied up in these lakes. It is absolutely essential that they be healthy.”
Arrested November 20, 2014
 JohnBurger-c John Burger, 56
Dryden, Tompkins County
“When the psycho-socio-economic system, the federal and state government, federal and state regulatory agencies, and “law and order” become co-opted as instruments of exploitation, it is not merely a patriotic and democratic duty to resist; resistance becomes an act of true love. If a bird is born in captivity, and the door to its cage is left open, it might be too fearful to fly out. If a wild bird is caught in a net or snare, it will struggle ceaselessly to get free. What kind of bird would I choose to be?”
 BeccaHarber-c Becca Harber, 64
Newfield, Tompkins County
 bruce-under-arrest-c Bruce Agte, 58
Binghamton, Broome County
“I was willing to be arrested today as an act of defiance against the government-sponsored expansion of fracking infrastructure. Salt cavern gas storage at Seneca Lake is a mistake that threatens the vitality of this region and the entire planet.I believe we each have two choices: to sit by and watch it happen, or to stand against it. I choose to stand.”
 cobyshultz Coby Schultz, 54
Springwater, Livingston County
“As a registered nurse, [I think] we need clean drinking water, and it’s important to protect people from all of the insidious byproducts of petrochemical companies. I feel like this area is too precious and valuable and water is too valuable of a resource to exploit so recklessly.”
 MargieRodgers-c Margie Rodgers, 60
Elmira, Chemung County
“I have written letters, made phone calls, got people to sign petitions, sent boxes of petitions to the governor, gone to Albany, protested, raised funds, arranged rally’s and forums for years about this issue.What else can I do to get someone to hear our plea but put my body on the line? Gas storage does not belong on the shores of Seneca Lake. Go. Home. Crestwood. Cuomo, Gillibrand, and Schumer: speak up and out.”
 BrittonDougherty-c Britton Dougherty, 28
Ovid, Seneca County
“I’m from Missouri and I came up here and I saw this beautiful land and saw all of the life that it gives to so many people and creatures and how it creates a beautiful industry, the wine industry. The government is in bed with the petroleum companies and the gas companies, and they’re using profits over everything to control their decisions. I want to be an example for myself and for other people in how to stand up to that.”
 MarylMendillo-c Maryl Mendillo, “forever young”
Aurora, Cayuga County
“When the community follows all the avenues available to address a danger and are ignored by corruption and money the appropriate response we are left with is putting our bodies in the way. Speak truth to power.”
Kathy Russell, 67
Town of Dryden, Tompkins County
“My family has been sailing on Cayuga Lake which is fed by Seneca Lake since the 1980s. I can see Cayuga and the hills beyond from the windows of my home. It is ethically wrong to treat this ecosystem as a cash nexus for profiteers from the oil and gas industry. Doing so will disrupt the stability, integrity and beauty of this wonderful land.”
 SaraHess-c Sara Hess, 68
Ithaca, Tompkins County
“I am here to defend Seneca Lake because I live on Cayuga Lake, and I consider the Finger Lakes and this region very precious to me. I’m concerned about climate change, and I think the time for fossil fuels in our energy economy is over; we need to transition immediately to renewables.It’s the only way we will save the planet.”
Arrested November 21, 2014
 Lindsay_Clark Lyndsay Clark, 53
Springwater, Livingston County
“I love the Finger Lakes and I’m a firm believer in alternative energy, I’ve lived off the grid for 25 years. I just feel committed to it, so I’m living it. If I’m not here, I just feel like I would not be doing my job.”
 DougCouchon-c Doug Couchon, 64
Elmira, Chemung County
“I’m here because we can no longer afford further poisoning of our water, air, land, bodies, and homes by corporations who think nothing of poisoning us. That has to stop, so we’re making a stand right here.”
 SusanMead-c Susan Mead, 66
Ithaca, Tompkins County”As planetary citizens, it is up to us to join together to move away from destructive practices which are part of global warming, and based on greed and materialism, toward scientifically and spiritually based practices that will provide for the well-being and joyful lives and productivity of the whole human family. Climate change makes this the turning point for the human race to figure it out, and live like we care about each other, and every living thing.  We, the human race and its goodness will prevail.”
 mariahplumlee Mariah Plumlee, 35
Covert, Seneca County“I think it’s really important to do this, and if everybody did this then we wouldn’t have this problem. We moved here almost ten years ago because we knew it would be a wonderful place to raise a family.”
 IreneWeiser-c Irene Weiser, 56
Caroline, Tompkins County
“I’m here because … we’re seeing gas build out all over the Finger Lakes in one way or another. This is a beautiful area with tourism, and wine industry, and agriculture industry that is our real future. Instead we’re seeing an industrial takeover that’s going to ruin the way of life and the quality of life here that people come to enjoy, and I’m here to defend that.”
 DebCipolla-Dennis-c Deborah Cipolla-Dennis, 49
Dryden, Tompkins County
“I am here because I think that our country is going in the wrong direction in energy, and we have to turn it around … and the only way that we’re going to do that is by civil disobedience because our government is bought and paid for. The people have to stand up.”
 LesliePotter-c Leslie Potter 70
Big Flats, Chemung County”I hope and expect our actions as defenders will get the attention of Governor Cuomo and the DEC, that the blockade will frustrate Crestwood and its co-conspirators — the Schuyler County legislature and Town of Reading Board — to the point that the dangerous gas storage plan will be abandoned. My generation, which reaped the benefits of plentiful, cheap fossil fuels, owes it to future generations to do whatever is in our power to remediate the damage done our global home. There is no Planet B. I have children, grandchildren, even a great-grandchild on Planet A for whom my fight has just begun.”
 RickRogers-c Rick Rogers 66
Spencer, Tioga County”It’s reached a point where we have to be more serious about it, and so this is an effort to ramp it up to draw more attention to what’s happening here so hopefully the local people will get more involved as well as the Governor and stop this project before it goes any farther.”
 Patricia_Heckart Patricia Heckart, 63
Trumansburg, Tompkins County“I am willing to be arrested to stop the further destruction of our environment, health and economy.”
 PeteAngie-c Pete Angie 34
Ulysses, Tompkins County
 JohnWertis-c John Wertis 51
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
“I have performed the role of an educator as a park ranger with Cape Cod National Seashore, as a social studies teacher in Rushville on Canandaigua Lake, as a physcial science and earth science teacher in Hammondsport at the foot of Keuka Lake, and most recently as a stay-at-home dad. A major tenet of mine, throughout my career as an educator has been to instill in my charges a sense of respect for our planet and its inhabitants. It has always seemed like a pretty simple concept to me — play nicely: don’t hurt others. Don’t hurt the planet. So I am here today to remind a few people that since they have chosen not to play nicely, they are not welcome to play here in my back yard.”
 CareyHarben-c Carey Harben 47
Hector, Schuyler County”I was willing to risk getting arrested because I feel this is an extremely important issue to support. Seneca Lake is a beautiful lake and 100,000 people rely on the water here! We moved here from Rural New Hampshire specifically for clean simple living. We are land owners and tax payers here and when I heard folks commenting that the protesters were not local that was the final straw; hearing that combined with seeing so many caring local people stepping up propelled me into this wave!”
Arrested December 1, 2014
 PhilDavis-c Phil Davis, 62                              Co-owner at Damiani Wine Cellars
Hector, Schuyler County”I’m a sixth generation native here, a couple generations of farming. I have a farm and a small winery. The incompatibility of this is so glaring, I’m just here trying to make my presence known that I object strongly to what they’re trying to do here.”
 PaulaFitzsimmons-c Paula Fitzsimmons, 57                           PA, Physician Assistant
Hector, Schuyler County”I’m a physician assistant in this county for almost 30 years, and as I learn more and attended many of the educational forums and heard the debates, I became aware that we were about to risk the air and water of my patients and the residents of this county. I believe it behooves me and my commitment to my profession to protect the air and water. It’s preventative medicine.”
 ScottSignori-c Scott Signori, 47                             Owner & Executive Chef, Stonecat Cafe
Hector, Schuyler County”I have a restaurant on the other side of the lake. Our drinking water for the Stonecat comes from Seneca Lake, which I want to protect, also I have children that swim in the lake, I swim in the lake. I’m a hunter and I have animals that drink water from the lake, and for all those reasons I think water is a basic human right. I think that what’s happening here at Crestwood is a huge threat to our water supply.”
 AudreySouthern-c Audrey Southern, teacher, 31
Burdett, Schuyler County”I got arrested today because I grew up here and this area is really special. Part of what makes our area special is that we are able to eat venison that people have hunted in our local forests and we’re able to eat fish out of our lakes and streams. I think that the risks from this project are totally unnaccpetable for our area. We want to protect the jobs of our community members. There are entrepenuers here who have started businesses, and their employees are here. Obviously we want everyone to have good jobs and we want people to be able to heat their homes, but I think there has to be a way of going about doing that without having this sort of risk.”
 DaphneNolder-c Daphne Nolder, 29                           Pastry chef, Stonecat Cafe
Hector, Schuyler County”I’m the pastry chef at the Stonecat and I believe that our clean air and water is really important because if we don’t have that, why are people going to come here and eat our food? And I have animals and family that lives around here, and that’s more important than storing gas.”
 JamesBond-c James “Jimmer” Bond, 28            Employee, Damiani Wine Cellars
Hector, Schuyler County”I did this because I grew up in this town, and we don’t have to worry about locking our doors or anything. Never should. Simple as that.”
 ChrisTate-c Chris Tate, musician, 52
Hector, Schuyler County“[I got arrested] because I think as an engineer that gas storage in salt caverns is extremely dangerous, and I really have a deep set feeling for Seneca Lake spiritually speaking. I really love to swim in it and sail in it all summer long, and I love the wineries. We have a billion dollar wine industry up here, and I do not want to see that befouled by such heavy industry.”
 JessieSmith-c Jessie Smith, 24                         Employee, Glen Mountain Market
Burdett, Schuyler County”[I got arrested] because it’s my home and I want to support the agriculture and viticulture and tourism and I don’t want to put it in jeopardy.”
 AlexandraDoniger-c Alexandra Doniger, 26                  Assistant winemaker, Hector Wine Company, Forge Cellars                  Hector, Schuyler County”What they’re trying to do at that facility endangers everyone who lives on this lake and works on this lake. I work in the wine industry, I’m a wine maker, and I’ve decided to pursue my career and make a life in this town, and what they’re doing will prohibit me from having a livelihood.”
 KyleBarnhart-c Kyle Barnhart, 30General manager, Stonecat Cafe       Owner Hector Pallet                                 Hector, Schuyler County”I’m protesting against the expansion of storing dangerous gases on our lake, and the fact that our county legislature didn’t give us a voice and pushed through legislation to let them do this.”
Arrested December 4, 2014
 PeteAngie-c Pete Angie, 34
Trumansburg, Tompkins County
 CatherineJohnson-c Catherine Johnson, 52
Ithaca, Tompkins County”I was born and raised in the Finger Lakes area, and I’m here to defend the whole Finer Lakes area. I’m here for the children of the Finger Lakes … I think that clean drinking water is everybody’s birthright. I can’t just sit by and do nothing while an out-of-state corporation comes in and threatens our water and our health and our life and our children’s futures just so they can make a lot of money peddling dirty energy and driving climate change.”
 MargaretMcCasland-c Margaret McCasland, 68
Lansing, Tompkins County
“I’m here defending Seneca Lake because protecting the lake helps the local ecosystem, but stopping the storage of heat-trapping gasses also protects the planet as a whole. I am a science educator, I have a background both in drinking water contamination and also in global warning. The layers of rock around here are very fractured. Even though salt caverns in general are not a safe way to store compressed gas, the salt caverns here are unbelievably inappropriate because they have rock mixed in with them, and fractured rocks means the gases do leak. This is the wrong place to store compressed gas, and because the idea is to store more and more gas here it’s promoting the extraction and the use of an incredibly potent heat-trapping gas.”
 KerryAngie-c Kerry Angie, 62
Aurora, Cayuga County
“The reason that I’m here today is because I have followed this whole thing since its inception, I’ve watched the system that’s been put into place to develop the infrastructure for natural gas in this state in this country, and I am appalled at the fact that this country can allow the slipshod way that its been done, disregarding people, disregarding the environment. So, in my own small way, I’m here to protest.”
 TimothyDunlap-c Timothy Dunlap, 60
Hector, Schuyler County
“I’m tired of the false premises that they build this place on. Everything is done under the cover of darkness. They have the contract all signed and in place before we even find out about them. They claim they can store gas here safely, they ignore the scientific records and we’re not even allowed to know where it is; it’s proprietary information. I’m tired of secrecy and the way America’s working these days. It’s been going on too long.”
 ShirleyBarton-c Shirley Barton, 66
Mecklenburg, Schuyler County
“I have a little wider view of things. I’m very tired of feeling guilty when I turn the stove on, I feel very guilty when I start my car, turn on a light. I think the more infrastructures like this going on is going to make us more dependent on fossil fuels, and I don’t want to feel guilty anymore, I just don’t. So that’s why I’m here, I’m trying to stop this nonsense, this insanity. We need to get to renewables.”
 DarylAnderson-c Daryl Anderson, 61
Hector, Schuyler County
“I’m here because I think the fossil fuel industry has been killing the planet and it’s killing people right now. The extreme energy industries, the fracking industries, even if they aren’t fracking right here right now this is part of the infrastructure that’s doing that and we have to stop it.”
 KirstenPierce-c Kirsten Pierce, 44
Burdett, Schuyler County
“I am all for more money coming into this area, I am all for jobs, I am all for anything local that has a positive impact on this community — of course, we all are. Crestwood is just not the right answer. There are lots of other options, ones that are not proven to cause destruction to the area and the people who live there. There are so many problems that I cannot solve, but if I can make a difference in keeping this one problem from happening here, how could I not? There is another expression — if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. I don’t want to be a part of this problem. I am grateful and humbled to be able to do this, and to stand in the company of these really amazing people.”
 RosalieRichterGoldberg-c Rosalie Richter-Goldberg, 70
Ithaca, Tompkins County
“I’m here because I’m concerned about our fresh water which is a precious resource that’s too-fast dwindling. I’m concerned about the air that the compression stations are going to be polluting around this lake and around the agricultural area here. I care about the future for my grandchildren.”
 Posted by at 8:18 am