Congressman Tom Reed 2437 Rayburn HOB Washington, DC 20515 March, 2015 Dear Congressman Reed, This is an urgent plea for your help and attention. Crestwood Midstream Partners LP plans to turn their facility on Seneca Lake into “the gas storage hub of the Northeast”, according to their website. This Texas based company threatens the water quality, air quality, health, and economy of the area by storing methane, propane and butane in abandoned unstable salt mines along Seneca Lake. The massive associated brine ponds pose a particular threat to the lake, which provides drinking water for over 100,000 people. Several years of brine seepage into the lake via pressurized gas storage along its banks poses yet another large potential catastrophe. Since 1972, most instances of catastrophic failure of underground gas storage facilities has occurred in salt caverns. Many have included explosions with fire and loss of life, and some have required the evacuation of entire towns.   The Finger Lakes Region has a successful and growing wine, tourist and agriculture industry, attracting thousands of people to its natural beauty.  Even if Crestwood operates with a perfect safety record, the industrialization brought with Crestwood’s plans will certainly harm our economy.  Eighteen municipalities, representing over 600,000 people, have passed resolutions opposing Crestwood’s expansion project (see list below). Hundreds of people have come forward and signed a commitment to non-violent direct action to stop the construction of the facility and 216 arrests have been made for peacefully blockading the gates of Crestwood. You must step in and help us stop this project. Please help us stop gas storage on Seneca Lake. FERC has “rubber stamped” their approval, and NYSDEC must issue permits for the project to go forward. Please contact these agencies to say you will not support such a project that puts our beautiful Finger Lakes Region at great risk.  Sincerely, (Signature) Legibly Print Name: Address: Zip Code: